
Archive for May, 2008

{{ Friday }} Five – *hold*

May 30, 2008 Leave a comment
1. When feel the urge to use the bathroom, do you hold it or go right away? I know it’s healthier to go right away, and I usually do. Except when I’m at work and feeling too lazy to get up.

2. When was the last time you held hands with someone? Probably yesterday, maybe the day before. I love holding hands.

3. Do you hold in your emotions or let them out? I try and hold them in as long as possible, then when they’re all built up they usually explode. Not good.

4. If you play blackjack or poker, are you more likely to hold or fold on any given hand? I don’t play so I’ll just go with “hold”

5. In general, can you hold your tongue? When you have a secret? When someone says something you don’t agree with? Yes, I can. Especially with secrets. If I don’t agree with someone it depends on what it is, and who I’m talking with.

Categories: about me

{{Friday}} Five – *tv*

May 23, 2008 Leave a comment
What’s your favorite TV network? All my favorite shows are on different channels. If I had to leave one channel on all the time it would probably be Lifetime or TLC.

If you could create your own channel, what would it be? A channel of just shows like People’s Court, Judge Judy, Judge Alex, Judge Joe Brown, etc.

What TV show did you watch as a child, that you wish they would bring back? Out of This World

What show have you always hated, and wonder why they ever made such a dumb show? Eh, I don’t know … really, if some people enjoy it then it must not be all bad.

What TV show’s seasons would you buy on DVD? The Office and Lost of course. Out of This World if it would be released!

Categories: about me